The time for procrastination is over as the day for getting things done finally came. You realize that there is no other way but you need to sit and work on your essay, like it or not. So, you either forward your assignment to an essay writing service, or start working on your own.
However, before you start doing anything you realize that nobody ever taught you how to write an essay, let alone a great essay. Why did nobody bother to teach their students how to write an essay? Have the school system failed its students once again?
Well, things are the way they are. Instead, analyzing the educational system and your professors, you should focus on how to bypass their shortcomings.
And by bypassing their shortcomings, we suggest checking out our writing tips from professional essay writers that have worked or still work for some essay writing service.
They are easy to follow and come from essay writers with years of experience.
1. Read Essays Written by Other People
Same as the books you read subconsciously influence your writing style so does reading essays written by other people. Read as many as you can on a wide range of topics, written by both your peers and academics.
Be observant about their structure, the way they present their arguments, how balanced they are, their tone, and how their arguments are supported by the presented evidence.
2. Improve Your Vocabulary and Use it Properly
An excellent vocabulary will help you express your ideas clearly and concisely. Word economy is a top trait of a great essay writer.
Word economy is about using an optimal number of words to express your point of view, be descriptive of some event, product, situation, or present an argument. The opposite of that is writing long, rambling points. No one likes their time wasted by going through some text that could have been much better written and with fewer words. Furthermore, a great vocabulary is considered as a sign of intelligence and lets you be more persuasive with the points you try to make.
Here are some tips on how to expand your vocabulary:
Start a vocabulary book
Even though most people start one when trying to learn a new language, there is no reason why not start one when trying to expand your vocabulary. Writing down a word and its definition can help you remember it easier.
Opt for a “word a day” email subscription
For example, you can subscribe to the “word a day” email subscription run by Merriam-Webster. Each day you can learn a new word and have it stored in your email.
Read a lot
Expand your reading scope over various genres of non-fiction and fiction. Cover as much as topics as you can and be absorbent. Through reading, not only that you will expand our vocabulary, but you will also gain a deeper insight into the context of certain words and how to use them properly.
3. Use The Elevator Pitch Technique
The elevator pitch is a concept mainly leverage by salespeople. The idea with an elevator pitch is to compress the top arguments into a summary that needs to convince a customer to make a purchase.
This is how it goes.
Imagine you are in a lift; by the time the lift reaches your floor, you need to persuade the customer to buy your product, or at the very least to be interested and want to know more about it. This is no easy exercise, but it is an effective one. Your elevator pitch should make your reader craving for more, interested in what lays ahead.
Your selection of words needs to be ruthlessly concise. At the same time aim for clarity in your point. That’s the “secret formula” of many professional writers, at least when they make their summary.
4. Quote Other People’s Opinions
The fine art of persuasion includes showing your reads that many other important people agree with you on the given topic. To that end, you can quote figures influential in the given field, quotes from scholars, quotes from studies, and so on.
The fact that your point is lined up with the opinion of influential and well-known figures can go a long way in persuading your readers about the point you are trying to make. Again, it is something that is frequently used by many professional essay writers.
5. Proofreading & Editing
You’ve probably heard of this over and over. That’s because it matters so much and is never skipped even by the most seasoned professional essay writers. Ideally, you should go through it at least once or twice on your own before handing it over to a professional editor, a colleague, or a friend, to go through it as well. Remember, every professional writer that works for an essay writing service has access to a professional editor.